Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Living the Rural Life

When you live in the country, a mile from the nearest neighbor, it’s a different lifestyle than in the city. My husband, a big city native, and I moved from the heart of a one of the ten largest cities in the nation to our current home seven miles from any town and a mile from the nearest paved road. We now live in the house that my granddad built 60 years ago, in the center of one of the most productive agricultural regions in the world. People often ask me if I miss living in San Diego, and the truth is, yes and no. There were a lot of things to love about the city - that city in particular. But living in the country? That’s home.

Seven Things I Love About Living in the Country,
  1. Quiet! Other than the odd crop duster or military transport chopper, there are no noises at night. No police helicopters flying overhead, no sirens, no freeway sounds, and no crazy neighbors drag racing down the alleyway.

  2. Wildlife, of a different kind. Yes, there was wildlife in the city. But it usually involved college students and large quantities of alcohol. Here there are rabbits galore, a multitude of birds of every shape and size, and any number of other critters to be seen in every direction at any time of the day. Oh, and snakes too, just not the drunk college kind.

  3. Wherever you go, you know someone. It is not possible to go to a restaurant without knowing someone there. No matter where we go, there is always going to be someone there who will greet you by name, ask how your parents are doing, and comment on your new haircut.

  4. Privacy. In the city, a few dozen people had a full view of our backyard, and probably 30 people lived within 20 yards of our bedroom window. Here, you’d have to travel 3 miles to find 30 neighbors, and the only people who see our backyard are irrigators and crop duster pilots.

  5. You can go target shooting any time you want. From your porch. In your underwear.* And if you walk into your front yard carrying a rifle, passers-by smile and wave. They don’t call the SWAT team.

  6. Everyone goes to church on Sundays. When we were considering whether to move back here or not, this was one of the things that swayed us to make the move. In the city, Sundays are just another Saturday. In the country, Sundays are special days for going to church with your family and then enjoying a special meal together afterwards.

  7. You know, or are related to, a majority of your neighbors. In our little neighborhood (which encompasses about 20 square miles), I am related to about 1/3 of the residents, and rode the bus to school with another 1/3 when we were growing up. When my parents went out of town a few months ago, we borrowed my dad’s truck one day and some of the neighbors called us to check up and see why it was missing from their driveway.
*It is advisable, however, to be sure no one is irrigating in the field behind the house before you begin shooting that direction. In your underwear.

Seven Things I Miss About Living in the City
  1. Restaurants. Small-town mom and pop restaurants are nice. But once in a while, I’d really like to sit down at a restaurant and be handed a professionally designed menu with no typos. (I designed menus when I lived in the city, so this is important to me.) Plus a little variety in dining options never hurts.

  2. Real, honest-to-goodness high-speed internet and reliable cell service. We have “high-speed internet” via a WiMax vendor here. It’s better than dial-up, but that’s about it. If there had only been dial-up internet available when we moved, we would have stayed in the city. Seriously.

  3. Privacy. In a small town, wherever you go, someone you know saw you there and quite likely told your parents about it. Everyone knows your business, and there are certainly no secrets in a small town.

  4. Bathing in Drinking Water. Here in the country, our water comes from a canal. It has never seen a water treatment facility and is delivered to our property in an open channel, with fish swimming in it. It’s not that I mind having bottled water delivered to drink, cook and brush our teeth with. It’s my hair. Even though we put the water through some rudimentary clarification processes before it enters our home plumbing, my hair is just not the same as it was when I bathed in drinking water.

  5. Traffic lights that function properly. There are a lot of very talented and capable people who live in rural areas. But somehow, the people who program traffic lights here are not among them. We have the most dysfunctional, traffic impeding stoplights in existence right here in our county. I cannot tell you how many hours I’ve wasted waiting at a stoplight when there were no other cars within 5 miles. (And I won’t admit how frequently I run the stupid things.)

  6. When you forgot something at the grocery store, it didn’t take 50 minutes and $4.25 worth of gas to go back for it. And that’s if we take the more fuel-efficient Toyota.

  7. Access to stores, medical facilities and services. Small towns with small populations can’t sustain a Nordstrom or a level one trauma center. The internet has revolutionized rural America, but even Amazon can’t bring us everything. We have to make do with what we have, and drive 100 miles into the city for anything else.
All in all? I love living here. When I moved away after high school I never dreamed that I’d ever consider moving back. But I’m glad I did. It has its faults, some of which are extremely frustrating. But there is nothing like looking out your kitchen window and seeing nothing but green fields of hay, sugar cane, and lettuce (and that stoplight at the highway, 3 miles away, that - yep - is still red).